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4 Reasons Your Trademark Registration Will Be Rejected


Registration of a trademark is not a case of right and there survive definite grounds for rejection that could halt a mark from getting registered.


Words which are Not Creative:


An invented word is a word which is not usual in the English Language but is recently stamped so as to give it a unique character. It must be a word carrying zero meaning or no evident meaning until one has been allotted to it.


Words which Hurt Religious Sentiments of the Citizens of India:


Consider this situation, ‘A’ starts a venture called ‘DURGA BEEF SHOP’. Now the word Durga on its own is not disrespectful and its use on a pack of incense sticks or vermillion packet will be permitted. However, Durga is a holy goddess in the Hindu religion. Also, cows are contemplated holy in the Hindu religion and use of the word “DURGA’ in relation to a beef shop will hurt the religious emotions of an entire community. So, its registration will be refused.


Indecent or Disreputable Manner:


For instance, ‘A’ sells DVDs with the trademark ‘SNUFF Movies’. The word ‘SNUFF’ is a usually used jargon which means slaughter or arousal. The use of this term in a Trademark will be contemplated to be encouraging slaughter and pornography and its registration will be rejected.


Descriptive terms:


There are definite descriptive terms which also should be neglected in your application. Descriptive terms are those terms which define the service in a very ornate or shinier way such as the use of words best, classic, awesome, etc.


Neglect the refusal of a Trademark application


Every firm should ensure that they do not utilize any of the above terms in their trademarks.


Mark should be distinct and meaningful.


The mark chosen should be dissimilar to surviving registered mark.


More than just apply for your Trademark Registration office in Pune, we try to guide you overall benefits of Trademark Registration under provisions of law. Contact BDS Legal services, the best trademark registration service provider to fend off any possible future infringement of the same by competitors in the market.

Source: http://bdslegalserv.com/services/trademark.html