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Trademark Registration – A Valuable Asset

The trademark generally refers to any logo, brand or symbol that provides a unique and distinctive identity to the organization. 

The trademarks can also be registered for any brand name or distinctive phrases or jingles. 

The businesses are benefited to a greater extent when the trademark registration is carried out successfully and practiced effectively. 

The advantages of trademark registration are:-


  1. Stand out in the competition

The numerous options available for the customers makes it highly challenging to register a brand name in their top of the mind awareness. The trademarks eventually help to create a high level of knowledge about the brand amongst the customers.


  1. Utilize Digital Medium Effectively 

The digital medium can be used effectively for marketing the brand's products or services. The social media websites such as Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter can be used to register the brand effectively. 


  1. Powerful Communication Tool

The trademark registration proves to be an efficient communication tool that enhances brand image and equity that intensifies customer engagement thereby magnifying the business scale. 



  1. Brand Equity 

The trademarks are a valuable asset to the company. The brand equity is enhanced effectively through trademark registration. The stakeholders of the company are all benefited through the positive image of the organization created through trademark registration.


The trademark registration is a vital process and cannot be ignored. The trademarks when not registered can lead to tampering the brand name as well as misuse of the brand logo or name by other competitors that would collapse the entire business. 


BDS Legal services are one of the best trademark registration service provider and is a one-stop solution to all your legal requirements. The trademark registration office in Pune provides exceptional service.


BDS Legal Services was founded in 2012 and has expanded with an outstanding record for its diligent, efficient and innovative legal guidance centered based on credibility and integrity.


With concrete experience, BDS Legal Services has led the change in the way law firms are owned, managed and operated. We are consistently ranked amongst one of the reputed law firms in India.

Source: http://bdslegalserv.com/services/trademark.html